19 January 2008

A Guide for Subscribers And Commenters

5. A commenter, via email remarks, indirectly reminded me that there are more options I could be providing to those wishing to access or be notified of new comment in this blog, and for the act of commenting itself.

As someone who has his own style of content gathering which is as unique as he (it is to be hoped) is, I understand that some who have interest here might not wish to load the blog each time or, say, subscribe via RSS. By adjusting settings I have increased to maximum the ways to stay updated on the progress of research chronicled in this blog:

  1. Naturally, of course, loading this blog is the basic way to see if any new content has been added.
  2. One can subscribe to the RSS Feed to be notified of new posts when they happen. The RSS Feed provides a summary of blog developments as they happen, updated as they occur, in a compact format which can be subscribed to. Many if not most of the current crop of web browsers support it (in Firefox, it's called Live Bookmarks, in Safari, there's an RSS icon in the address bar, and so on). There are also a surfeit of RSS reading software that range in price from free on up.
  3. And, one more exciting option for those who don't care to bother with RSS; thanks to FeedBlitz, who provided a free widget, you can now subscribe to this blog via email. This was just installed, so there may be some debugging, but we will work this out.

Insofar as commenting goes, I have just enabled anonymous commenting for this blog. Previously, you had to be signed in to your Google account to comment. Naturally, this isn't everyone's can of beer, and I'm sympathetic to that ... it seems I have more logins and regstrations for things than a sane person really needs.

Anonymous commenting allows commenters maximum freedom:

  1. If one wishes to sign in to post a comment, one can of course. Just choose the service from the dropdown list and fire away.
  2. You can subscribe to email follow comments by signing in, if you so desire.
  3. If you don't wish to sign in but want to leave your name, click the Nickname radio button and fill in the box. Your comment will be posted with your name. This is a nice quick alternative if being notified of follow up comments is not of-the-essence.
  4. And, of course, there's the anonymous option. Just click the Anonymous radio button and you're off to the races (I'd ask that you'd sign it with your name so that any information added to the common weal gets its due and proper credit, or at least I can take any necessary conversations up with you in email).

Of course, if any correspondent wishes to simply forgo all that folderol and shoot me a comment via email, just feel free to do it that way. All comment will be treated with respect and dignity – though if it's interesting enough to share (or teaches me something, as the last comment via Moreach did), I will share it with the readership, so if it's something you don't want shared, please make sure to tell me.

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1 comment:

  1. Ah, "friendly fire"! The term is modern (Vietnam?) and ironic, but the problem is old, old, old.

    Didn't we bomb some British tanks in early days in Iraq because they didn't have the "right" badges on top?

    BTW, love the blog! Thanks for enabling anonymous posting, hope it gives no trouble. I already have a Google account (I think) a blogspot account (maybe?) and three yahoo accounts I can't keep straight!
