22 January 2008

Creating The Roll has Joined ORBlogs

10. A bit of administration is called for, so we'll step out from behind the curtain for a moment and assume modern voice.

I've just been notified that this blog has been accepted as one listed on the ORBlogs omnibus. For those whose connection with local blogs – or any blog – is this one, what ORBlogs (a free service run for the last four or more years by blogGod Paul Bausch, who apparently lives on good karma to our inestimable benefit) is is an aggregation site for blogs by Oregonians – of which I am one (an Oregonian, not a blog).

Principally this will make my blog more easily findable by Oregon and Washington surfers who would be apt to enjoy this content ... for those who like this sort of thing, this would be just the sort of thing they should like.

In the interests of full disclosure, this blog persona (Sebastian zem Sterne) is the same person who runs the vastly underrated The ZehnKatzen Times, if I may be so bold as to say. And I can, because this is my blog. So I do.

Back to the medieval crazyness.

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